Pendleton County Extension to sponsor Group Hike


    The Pendleton County Extension Office is putting on a Group Hike, which includes four different trails.
    “The group hikes are part of our summer fitness for produce challenge. Individuals do not have to be a part of our challenge to participate,” said Kenna Knight, Pendleton Family and Consumer Service Agent.
    The first hike, Quiet Trails Hike, is scheduled for June 24 at 8:30 a.m. There are three more hikes in the month of July, River Trail Hike on July 1, Jacob’s Trail Hike on July 13, and Kincaid Trail Hike on July 27.
    “The primary goal of fitness challenge and our hikes is to promote and increase family and individual physical activity,” Knight said. “We do them as a group, so individuals who might not be familiar with the trails can hike us the first time as a group.”
    Knight went on to say that if you like to hike and don’t want to hike by yourself, it provides a group to hike with you.
    “We currently have 45 signed up for our summer challenge and about 15-20 for each hike so far,” she said.
    The Group Hike is just a way to encourage getting outdoors and enjoying a hike in Pendleton County or very close to the county, Knight said.
    If you want to participate in any of the hikes, remember to wear comfortable fitting clothes, well -fitting walking shoes, and bring a water bottle.
    You can register for the hikes with the Pendleton County Extension Office by calling 859-654-3395.