Court discusses multiple issues facing the county

  • Skeleton

    In a caucus meeting that had discussions on a variety of topics, no major issues were addressed and moved forward on.
    Judge Executive David Fields did inform the court on some items that would be on the agenda for the regular scheduled meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13. They were bid opening for Milford and Blanket Creek bridges, bid opening for concrete work for the salt bin, and applications for the code enforcement officer position.
    Fields said, “I want to get both bridges in this year and focus on Hogg Ridge Road bridge next year.”
    Answering a question from Magistrate Josh Plummer on the costs of the bridges, Magistrate Rick Mineer pointed out that the Hogg Ridge Road bridge would have to be raised from the height it is presently.
    In addition, to the three upcoming items, the court heard about an addendum to their inter-local agreement for Planning and Zoning Salary Reimbursement. The agreement was first addressed in January bur the addendum had not been sent to the court.
    It addressed a reduction in funding from the City of Falmouth. Having to deal with the flood plain, Brett Price who was hired to head the Planning and Zoning department does not have the required credentials. As a result, the city had to hire the former Planning and Zoning Director Brian Thompson to help with the flood plain issues.
    The city reduced their contribution to the position by the amount they had to spend for Thompson. The county is picking up the $12,000 as a result.
    Michael Harmon, Auditor for Public Accounts, in Kentucky had submitted his office’s required audit of Rita Spencer’s County Clerk office for 2019. It was given to the court for consideration.
    In information sent to Falmouth Outlook via Harmon’s office, the audit noted only two exceptions.
    First was overspending of salary order for deputies of $2,362. Fiscal court had approved additional money for the budget.
    The auditor wrote “While the fiscal court approved the county clerk to hire an additional employee, no amount was specified in the approval. In addition, the county clerk did not amend the Annual Order Setting Maximum Amount for Deputies and Assistants form.”
    Second, the auditor indicated that the “county clerk’s agreements and contract payments agreed to cost schedules and the services received were appropriate for official business and properly authorized.”
    It went on to say “Liabilities requiring disclosure were not disclosed properly on the fourth quarter financial statement.”
    Spencer indicated that her office does not have contracts as they go through fiscal court and her office has no liabilities in this category to disclose.
    There was no further statement from the auditor or fiscal court on this exception. There was no abnormal exceptions found in the other 13 areas that the audit considered.
    Plummer inquired about the cost of the audit and Fields indicated he could not remember but would be in the bills at the next meeting.
    As the discussion turned to roads, Mineer questioned when Mago would be back in the county. Fields indicated it would be a couple of weeks as Mago has two crews and one had been sent hom because a member of the crew had Covid and Mago was down to one crew.
    Fields responded to questions that they hadB not heard any word from the state on discretionary spending but had recevied flex funds and ready to go on them.
    There was a lot of concern about magistrates on getting the road work and asphalt needs in before the cold weather comes.
    He also told the court that the chasis for the new truck was supposed to arrive in the next week or week-and-a-half and it should be delivered to them by the first of the year.
    Magistrate Darrin Gregg inquired about the salaries of deputy sheriffs and Fields replied they would be addressed when they received Sheriff Eddie Quinn’s budget.    The issue of Internet was raised again and Plummer indicated the subdivision on 177 is scheduled to be addressed in the first quarter of 2021.
    It was told that Cincinnati Bell was working on fiber optics service on Mt.Carmel but the landowner where the poles are located will not agree to easement access for Cincinnati Bell cinto run the wires.