Uniform citation for domestic violence


    Pendleton County Deputy Sheriff was the responding officer to the domestic violence call at the home of Mark McClure.
    The post-arrest complaint reads as follows:
    “On 5/9/2021 at approximately 1:25 hours, myself and Falmouth PD Unit 111 B. Schmeing responded in reference to a Domestic involving the above subject (Mark McClure) and his girlfriend . The two had began arguing after having friends over for drinks before the situation turned physical. According to the victim, Mark became irate, stating that she was insecure.     Subject then started throwing objects off of the porch (a table with glass objects on the top). He then proceeded to flip the chair out from underneath her, continuing to shout calling her a “F*&^ing piece of s&^%, and worthless.” Mark then shoved her, and she shoved him back just before her daughter came outside screaming. Mark’s attention then shifted toward her. The girlfriend told Mark to leave her daughter alone, sending her back inside before being shoved once again, this time back toward the front door. She fell backward, catching herself on the door frame, bruising her arms in the process. The daughter shut the door and locked Mark outside.
    Mark then threw things at the door before going around to the back door where he used a 2X4 to bust through the window, gaining entry to the residence. Subject then reportedly grabbed his S&W 38 special off of the refrigerator. The daughter reports having heard her mom scream, “Why do you have a gun?” before hearing five rounds fired outside. Both females were said to be outside of the residence at the time shots were fired. After empyting the handgun, Mark then went back inside and began destroying her personal belongings, throwing them at the living room wall.”
    Address and name of the victim has been withheld per editorial policy of Falmouth Outlook.
    The editorial staff of the Falmouth Outlook has decided to print the wording of the Pendleton County Sheriff’s Office Uniform Citation to combat rumors and different versions of the events that occurred.