Pendleton County holds 73rd annual Homemaker meeting

  • Pendleton County holds 73rd annual  Homemaker meeting
    Pendleton County holds 73rd annual Homemaker meeting

By Flo McDonald

The Pendleton County Homemakers held their 73rd annual meeting on September 28th, 2023 at the Pendleton County Extension Office. The theme was “Let your Light Shine”. 

Pam Harper-President welcomed members and guests. 

We held a memorial program for two members who went home with the Lord. Phyllis Kelsch presented memorial for Hilda Wright 32 years and Flo McDonald for Pam Sharon 20 years. Following, we were served a delicious meal catered by Wyatts and to-die-for desserts by Anna Dean.

Barbara Browning sang “Carry your Candle”. Pam Harper gave an introduction of two videos of Michelle Obama's book. Then Barbara led everyone in the song, “This Little Light of Mine”. Door prizes were given. 

We then went into our business meeting led by Pam Harper, President of Pendleton County Homemakers.

Our Go Getter award was presented to Joyce Beckett of Four Oaks club given by Amy Hurst. Friend of the Homemaker award was presented to Lydia Gosney, given by Pam Harper. Awards were given for 100% Individual Perfect Attendance, Volunteer Service Hours, and the Reading Award.

Pam Harper recognized her outgoing county office. Installation of incoming county officers was made by Patsy Kinman, past President of the Area Council Homemakers:

Audrey Petrakis- President

Betty McKinney- Secretary

Denise Dean- Treasurer

Along with the chairs and reporter.

Closing remarks were given by Audrey Petrakis and the meeting was adjourned.