
May 7, 2024

  • 5/7/24

Blanket Creek

Several of our ladies and one gentleman (to keep all these ladies in line) were blessed to be sent to Women of Joy  over the weekend. We pray they have come back spiritually refreshed and blessed.

Scripture was from Hosea 4:1-6. It’s what you don’t know that can hurt you. We count on other people to help us through tough situations when we should be turning to God and studying His word. Start putting God first in your  life and see how things change.

Please remember the family of Mia Deisch.


Still preaching from Romans 1 using verses 24-32, Bro. Kevin told of the time God gave His people "over".  Several lies that we hear are that we have all the time in the world to make our decision to accept Christ.  Also, we hear that if we are good enough, you'll go to Heaven. Another lie is that it doesn't matter what we do, God loves us and we'll all be saved.  As I said, these are all lies.  Don't even give Satan an inch!  Remember, Hell is a real place!

Senior Saints Day is May 16 at  Camp Northward.

Graduation Recognition Sunday will be May 19.

Prayer concerns include Jim McCann, Jeanine Cox, Jenny Wright, Tirah Clemons, Gerald Barlow, Carolyn Vanlandingham, Richard Cordray, Sheila S. Hardy, Ernie Richie, Trudy Moore, Fickie Bennett, Lee Ann Cox, Cheri Figgins, Jay Caldwell, Kelly Cox, Charles Klaber, shut-ins, our nation and its military.

Sympathy to the loved ones of Marion "Gomer" Pyles.

Pleasant Ridge

Bro. Mark’s message was from Matthew 16:13-16.

They were in Caesarea Philippi which was known as a pagan area.  These people put their faith in these pagan idols which were carved in the side of the mountain.  Jesus had a question for his disciples: Who are the people saying I am?  Well, some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, some Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.  But who do you think I am?  Simon Peter answered, The Christ, the Messiah, and Son of the living God.

Choices, we all can make them.  Take time to think through what choice is good for you.  Choices… your eyes and see that Jesus is what will make your life better.  Be a believer!

Turner Ridge

Growing in Christ was the title of our Sunday school lesson, and in the first paragraph of the lesson was the sum of what our actions can mean for a life with Christ. To grow in Christ we have to engage in the process ourselves. The gift is there. Are your efforts?

During our Sunday morning service, two brides to be were gifted white bibles along with a basket of household items that held scripture for everyday life with the Lord.

Also, one of our Seniors was recognized, Gabe Duncan. Gabe has graduated and will leave this week for boot camp as a Marine, prayers for Gabe.

The children’s message, Filled With The Holy Spirit from Acts 2:1-21, was discussed. “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:4  We are empty, just like the balloon Bro. Dale showed the kids, but when filled with the Holy Spirit we can do great things.