
July 25, 2023

  • CHURCH NEWS 7/25/23
    CHURCH NEWS 7/25/23

Butler Christ Community

Greetings friends, may God's blessings fall all around you.

Pastor Ron gave us this thought to chew on during his message on Sunday: no matter what life throws at you, keep praying. Pray boldly through the good times and the bad times. God is there with us.

Many thanks to Ron Redden for filling in for us while Debbie and Ron were away.

VBS is July 31-August 3 here at Butler CCC, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come enjoy the Great Outdoors!

August 6 will be our next board meeting and potluck.

Please pray for Daryl Mullins, Jim Tomlin, Shelia’s dad, Ron’s nephew and brother in law, Sandy, Carolyn’s cousin Dustin and mom, Nancy’s coworker, our church, and our world.

God is good all the time!

Mt. Gilead

Service is held on the third Sunday of the month. Our next service will be July 16 at 2 p.m.


Bro. Kevin spoke about "Fasting for a Breakthrough" which we at Oakland are planning to do.  Fasting is a way to imitate Jesus.  It prepares us for the daily battle with society and its ills.  Fasting definitely will put one more in tune with God.

A special blessing was the baptism of Matthew Turner today.  We pray God's guidance upon his life.

Be sure and take in the "Million Dollar Quartet" production at Kincaid Theatre.  It is really good!

July 30 finds us having worship service (10:30 a.m.) at Camp Northward with a noon pot-luck meal.

Prayer concerns include Pam Bruin (knee), Bobby Johnson, Larry Wright, Lisa Blevins, Genevieve Ammerman, Randy Bishop, Pat Colvin, Lily McCann, David Montgomery, Bernie Blevins, Diane Moorhead, Bill Ruf, Troy Green, Kenni King, cancer/Covid issues, shut-ins, and our nation.

Our sympathy to loved ones of Joy Juvnall, Wilma Harris, Ginny Steimer, and Geneva Habermehl.

Pleasant Ridge

We were blessed to have Tony Doane – Gideon speaker with us for our Sunday morning service.  The work this group does getting the word out to the world is amazing.  True dedication and faith.

Interesting Gideon Facts:

270,000 Gideons in over 200 countries and Bibles in over 100 dialects.    

1908 – 2001 the 1st billion Bibles had been handed out.

2012 – 2015  the 2nd Billion had been reported.

Currently working on hitting the 3rd billion mark.

Ephesians 6:12- "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Satan is the evil we have to battle, but a Bible is the ammo needed to fight him.

Turner Ridge

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”~Colossians 3:23-24.

This was the scripture for the message Sunday morning. It was a time of celebrating those who gave of themselves to make VBS a success. You need kids to come to VBS, but it is just as important to have  workers that are there, serving the Lord, that in turn can serve those kids. They can tell the bible stories, lead in crafts, music, recreation, serve a snack, and present the plan of salvation, as well as those keeping them safe inside and outside of the building.

The praise team along with those youth attending VBS sang Gratitude. All those 5th grade and younger sang two of their VBS songs, Twists & Turns and Our God is Holy; and we were blessed with two testimonies, one from Brandon Gregg, the other from Marissa Ernst, both emphasized the impact VBS has had on them as adults!

Pray for the lost, the sick, those that are grieving, and please join us for worship whenever possible.