
November 07, 2023

  • CHURCH NEWS 11/7/23
    CHURCH NEWS 11/7/23

Butler Christ Community

Greetings friends, we would like to extend our hearty thanks to all who supported our Christmas auction on Saturday! We will be able to help out some deserving young people with the monies you helped us raise.

Please continue to pray for each other. We especially lift up our dear Debbie Schwarberg. 

Love each other and always be kind.

Have a blessed week!



This was our Youth Sunday. Jon Hopp, our Youth Minister, brought the message of the morning, "Counting the Cost" of following Christ. His text was from Luke 14:25-33.

Our Thanksgiving service is November 19, with the meal at 5:30 p.m. Michelle Faulkner and Penny Wolfe will be bringing special music after the meal. 

Prayer concerns include Bobby and Linda Johnson, Dorothy Herron, Jim McCann, Jeanine Cox, Melva Moore, Beth Bruin, Julie Sandy, Tammy Moore, Gerald Barlow, Weslee Andrews, people in Israel, Jane Bentle, Ricky Gillespie, Geneva Morris, Tony Wright, Diane Moorhead, Brenda Cobb, shut-ins, cancer and Covid issues, our military, and our nation.


Pleasant Ridge

Bro. Mark’s message was from John 15:1-14.

I am the vine, you are the branches. Jesus is the true vine and his Father is the gardener. For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.  If anyone separates from me, he is thrown like a useless branch to burn. But if you stay in me and obey my commands, you may ask any request and it will be granted. My true disciples produce bountiful harvests.  This brings great glory to our Heavenly Father! 


Turner Ridge

Sunday was an amazing day! Our time in Sunday school was a time of learning about all there is to face even as a Christian. Job faced much suffering, but he was never alone, he had God with him. We too as Christians will face suffering in this world, but it doesn’t have to be alone, we can have God with us if we will accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior.

Our worship time held several testimonies, one regarding how they’ve spent time being led by God during our 40 days of fasting and praying for the young people in our church, and others about the time our church spends passing our candy and tracts for the young people during Trick or Treat in Falmouth.

The message was Ministry of the Holy Spirit from John 16:6-11. If we believe in Jesus Christ, we have the Holy Spirit within us, to comfort us and to also guide us through life.

Following the service, we enjoyed a fifth Sunday Italian ‘Get to know you dinner’. The meal was prepared by our Special Events Committee and it was awesome! We were seated with fellow church goers to get a chance to learn more about each other and hopefully find out ways we can lift each other in prayer with more personal insight.