Carolyn Reid announces...


New adventures here, too

  • Carolyn Reid and family
    Carolyn Reid and family

By Carolyn Reid

While Burton is discussing his new adventures, I will share a little about mine because honestly, his new adventures and mine are connected.

Burton will be taking over the editorship of the Falmouth Outlook. I will remain as reporter, focused on Falmouth City Council and poking into other things, but he will take the reins as the man who makes the decisions.

For nearly a year, I have had an inkling something was coming--an inkling of a still, small voice. Back in October, Brian and I both received an email asking us to serve at Crossroads on a new ministry. That is when I heard, "Now."

I have since been hearing more: a new grandson, an aunt who is moving into our neighborhood, a possible retirement and new position for Brian, and a need to be more available to work with council and other government stories as they come up. This last one is unusual considering I told Keith Smith over five years ago he could keep his government; I would keep the features. I have since developed an understanding of government and how to research what happens, and I see the value of being there to report, to dig, to try to help others understand what is going on in our local political scene, doing the best I can to remain unbiased, even when I may let them know I disagree or agree personally later. That isn't for the paper.

I am now part of the core leadership team of Crossroads ReachOut, too, and I have been dividing time there for a couple months. Part of my role in that team is is to edit a newsletter for our ReachOut ministry. The newsletter will inform tens of thousands of people all over the world about ways they can be involved in ministry to others, whether it is by going abroad or by working in their own regions. We will also feature those who need help in other ways while we hopefully spur similar ministries to develop at sites where they could be useful. An exchange of ideas is always a good thing. If my new team can help facilitate that, even better! 

I can say without reservation I have enjoyed my time in this seat more than I imagined. Neil and Marilyn are great to work with (I really don't feel as though I work "for" them), and the work climate is...well...unpredictable. I can count the days on one hand that something has not made us laugh, usually uproariously. I think this has been my favorite role ever outside my family role, and I cherish the time I got to be "the head" of the team--even though they are the ones who keep me straight. That's what good teams do, right? Make "the boss" look good?

I am excited for Burton to join us here, and he will be awesome in the role--as long as he doesn't get too bossy.

Thank you, readers, for your encouragement. You have made this the most fun of all.