
When did “We the People” become “Me the People”

  • WE the People or ME the People
    WE the People or ME the People

By: Paula York, Falmouth, KY

Written October 1, 2023; submitted November 15, 2023


Dear Editor,


We live in a world where there is a frequency pattern of reversing and flipping words around their true and original meaning…to the point of flipping the truth around how events have actually occurred.  

Ask yourself if you are truly aware of what ‘is’ BEing said. Is what you hear true? 

Does it hold resonance within you that it ‘IS’ true?

Does it sound supportive and trustworthy? 

How does it Feel?

Trust your body and  higher~self to discern what the ‘Me’ is feeling. 

Is the ‘Me’ within so caught up in what’s good for the ‘Me~Self’ that the ‘We’ is set aside on the back burner for another day,  and another time. Or, has ‘We the People’ been all together forgotten? 

 Ask yourself what do these words, these messages, from the ‘news of the day’ really mean? Or, is it the weaving of a story to distract? 

Is there a hidden intention to grab the ‘Me’ part of Humanity (regardless of Community) as a way to bring forward…

F alse

E vidence 

A ppearing 

R eal …..into play? 

This repeating pattern of flipping the ‘We the People’ into a ‘Me the People’ has become so distorted that  governments have lost sight of their promise and purpose to …

Be a Voice of ‘We the People’! It has infiltrated itself into every country and every community no matter how large or small they are.  Sadly, the ‘Me (of) the People’ can also show up within the individual Family Home environment as well. 

The ME~Self has a ‘need’

to be RIGHT and it overshadows the concept & willingness to see that there actually could be ‘another way’ toward a solution to the issue at hand.  A collective agreement to a resolution that works for All People should be the primary goal.  BEing  stuck in the muck of “I’m right and you are wrong” attitude is far from stepping forward into visioning and ultimately living in a better, healthier world…..A world where the heart of kindness is the new currency rather than an ego mind currency that gets in the way of forward momentum toward Unity for ‘We the People’. 

The ‘Me’ mindset and ‘FEAR’ is in itself a pandemic! It’s purpose is to disconnect Humanity from ‘We the People’…

United as One and Connected to God Source.  

Dive deep within the aspect of the ‘Me~Self’ and ask…

What can I offer?

What can I do?

What are my Talents? 

How can I be of service to others? 

What are my Actions, Words, and Deeds doing to support the ‘WE’ of my Family, my Community, my Country and ultimately Our Planet? 

The answer is held within the dis~eased dichotomy of the ‘We~Me’. 

Going within the ‘Me~Self’, taking care of the body temple and it’s nourishment is vital. Going within to ground the inner ‘Me~self’ in Sacred practice such as Prayer, Meditation, Yoga, TaiChi, Singing and even journaling can uplift and support the ‘We’. These Spiritual practices can bring forth Insights and Innovations that will manifest a planet where ‘We’ Thrive together in Love, in Unity as One….

As a Divine Spiritual Being having a Divine Physical Human Experience. 

Consider making a personal declaration to allow Grace to guide every Thought, Word and Deed. 

Allow your intentions to Be Pure of Heart as you Manifest for the Good of ALL.  Know that the positive choices you make brings the Karma of Balance to your life and to planet Earth as a whole. 

BEcome responsible for the ‘Me’ so that ‘We’ can create a new and better Earth for future generations.  

Unconditional Love and Forgiveness of the Self and Others is the answer to ‘remembering and bringing back the original intention’ that is held within the frequency of the words…..

“We the People”

Where do ‘YOU’ Stand? 

Where do ‘YOU’ Truly Stand?


           Paula York, resident of Falmouth, KY