Beshear wants residents to wear a mask in public


Starts on May 11

  • Mas Bobbie Jo Lunsford
    Mas Bobbie Jo Lunsford

Gov. Beshear played a video Tuesday showing an easy way for everyone to make a cloth mask. The Governor said that by May 11, everybody working for or visiting an essential business that is reopening should be wearing a mask.

“This isn’t something you can be fined for, and again no one is going to be arrested for not wearing a mask,” the Governor said. “But should you if you’re going to the grocery store? Yes. Think about it: None of us knows if we are infected but asymptomatic with this virus. This protects you and other people.”

He said every Kentuckian should wear a mask when going to the grocery, into any place of business or any place where social distancing of keeping at least six-feet apart might be broken.

Dr. Steven Stack, commissioner for the Department for Public Health, displayed a variety of available mask designs and showed proper use.

“When you wear these, it has to cover your nose and go beneath your mouth,” Dr. Stack said. “Ideally, it also should go below your chin.”