Superintendent and board appreciative of staff’s handling of lockdown


    The Pendleton County School Board met in regular session on Monday, March 15, 2021, at the Phillip Sharp Middle School with several items to discuss.
    Karen Delaney, school board member stated, “Great job to everyone involved in handling last week issue at Northern Elementary School. There was a great deal said about the calmness instilled by everyone”.   
    Superintendent Joe Buerkley stated, “Staff responded appropriately,” and thanked Mr Compton for “his level headed thinking and all others involved”.
    Mr. Buerkley also went on to mention the Ladycat teams who played last Monday and Tuesdaynights and the Pendleton County Bowling team in regionals Tuesday.           The PC Recreation Committee will be making a purchase of a new mower with the school board contributing on-third of the funds for the mower, meaning that the school board will supply $3397.67 for a total of $13,392.67.
    Supt. Buerkley announced that he had received a lengthy document regarding SEEK funding and ESSER funds, and he asked that the discussion and vote on that be tabled  till a special meeting. That meeting may take place Tuesday, March 23.
    While Supt. Buerkley recommended and the board approved that a student who had recently moved into the county stay at her current school of Dayton Independent due to the student being in her senior year, Buerkley informed the board and the audience that this action would no longer be possible under the language of HB 563. The bill that allows for school choice, to put it simply, it also removes local control of a case-by-case basis such as they encountered in this action. The lack of local control could possibly put school boards in a position to raise local taxes to recoup losses.
    The school system will be adding a district-wide nurse with salary based on experience. They will also be purchasing a managed wireless network service called Step CG. This will be able to carry the needs for the entire school system and have a wireless security system as well, for a cost of $210,331.90.  
    The school board donated $750 to Project Grad before adjourning.