Falmouth candidates talk utilities: Joyce Carson


    Tough and  unpopular decisions must be made in order for the city to move forward.  Many of these decisions deal with utilities which are necessities to our citizens.  We entered a four -year contract with KYMEA to keep our electric rates competitive with other entities.  Our trash services continue to be lower than surrounding areas and offer more personal services.
    I reiterate what I said last time I ran for council--that our infrastructure has been neglected for decades and it HAS to be maintained. Per agreed orders from Frankfort, we are currently close to the first phase of upgrading our sewer and water departments and having our own cuts out the middleman.    Next we’ll have to replace some lines and manholes.  If we contracted the utilities out, the new companies would have to replace them anyway, and it would drive up the cost. We’re putting 5% in each utility’s fund each month, except for garbage which is 10%.  
    In the next decade, we’ll have to take a close look at each utility to see if they remain cost effective .  I am  open for compromise and change if the need arises.