Telling Our Story: Pendleton County Schools focuses on Austin Stull

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Austin Stull

    Austin Stull is the latest installment in Pendleton County Schools, Tell Our Story series. He graduated from Pendleton County High School in 2017. Two days after graduation he signed with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers/ IBEW212 Union and began his training to be an electrician.  He is currently in his 4th year of a 5 year apprenticeship program.
    Tell us about your journey in Pendleton County Schools.  What was a highlight that stood out?
    I attended kindergarten and first grade at a private school.  In second grade I switched to Pendleton County School District and attended Northern Elementary, Sharp Middle School, and Pendleton County High School.  My school years at Pendleton County were great! What I liked most was that because it was such a small school district, I got to grow up and play sports with the same friends all throughout my school years.
    What aspects of your public education helped mold you into the person you are today?
    The aspects that helped me were the teachers and coaching staff I had in Pendleton County schools.  They were always there to help me do my best and encourage me to achieve any goals I set for myself.
    When you think back on your experience in school, are there specific instances or relationships that stand out to you as having had a significant impact on your success since graduating?
    My football coaches that I had since I was in the third grade have had a big impact on me. They taught me work ethic, time scheduling, communication, teamwork, thinking ahead, and studying.  I would have to say specifically Coach Burgemier, Coach Hornbeck, Coach Brown, and Coach John Fields.  They trusted me when it came to decision making for myself and my team.  It has helped me with my confidence level at work and my work ethic.
    As a product of public education, what advice would you give to a parent who was choosing an education path for their child?
    I would personally choose Pendleton County School District over private schools.  It has more options for extra-curricular activities and learning programs.  It lets the student decide their own path with college, trades, and even religion.  I would personally send my own child to Pendleton County School district due to my own personal, positive, and great educational experience.
    As a product of Pendleton County Schools what drives you to give back to your local school and/or district?
    The fact that it’s a smaller school system and community so I try to go back to enjoy and show support to the sporting events and restaurants in the county.