Falmouth candidates talk utilities: Luke Price


    I want to start of by saying that infrastructure is at the top of my list of issues that the City of Falmouth has. I also want to say that these infrastructure issues weren’t created overnight, days, months or even years. These issues have been ongoing for decades. Dealing with these infrastructure issues comes with hard decisions that must be made on key projects that affect the health and finances of citizens of Falmouth. We need to update key pieces of equipment within the City of Falmouth utilities, whether it be Electric, Water, Sewer or Garbage.  We have started replacing such items as permitted by the current budget we are currently faced with. It is key that we as the City of Falmouth continue to move forward with upgrading our infrastructure and streamline key process within the city to give valuable service to citizens of Falmouth and hold rates at that current levels. The City of Falmouth is in a unique situation when it comes to utilities and the rates that the city can charge. Unlike a utility business that is run by big business where rates are determined by board members that work for a cash-positive business, the city can potentially offer lower rates. Another key point to make on utilities that are owned and run by cities or municipalities is that you as citizens have a lot larger voice in the matter of rate increases or any other concerns about utilities, where if the utilities were operated by big business, you would be at their mercy when it comes to rates and policies. Myself as a citizen, I like to have a voice as every citizen should have. Thank you for your time