Sophomore leadership holds Youth Involvement Summit; county and city leaders participate

  • The 2023 Sophomore Leadership team led community conversations, asking what could get more youth involved in the community, and community organizations. Pictured, front, left to right, are Emily Best, Leyah Hyden, Hannah Thomas, Kendra Hess, Layne Nelson, Emily Fultz; back row are Kade Carr, Caden Winkle, Katie Black, and advisor Michelle Lustenberg.
    The 2023 Sophomore Leadership team led community conversations, asking what could get more youth involved in the community, and community organizations. Pictured, front, left to right, are Emily Best, Leyah Hyden, Hannah Thomas, Kendra Hess, Layne Nelson, Emily Fultz; back row are Kade Carr, Caden Winkle, Katie Black, and advisor Michelle Lustenberg.

The Pendleton County Sophomore Leadership group, led by Michelle Lustenberg, held its annual forum for the purpose of giving and receiving input from the county officials. The goal is collaboration and to give student leaders a taste of community service and connection.

This year’s topic revolved around this question: How do we get youth involved with community and community organizations?

According to information sent by Hannah Thomas, the goal and discussion plans were as follows:

Our Mission: To discuss possible solutions and make a plan to encourage youth involvement within our community.

Discussion Topics:

What do the youth need/want from organizations?

What do the organizations need/want from youth?

Where do the ideas of these groups overlap?

What can we do to address barriers and meet concerns?

Who else is needed for possible implementation?

Are there any cost barriers we need to note?

What is the next step?

Each year, students direct the conversations and note the ideas that are mentioned, and the audience moves from there to break into groups, leading to an action plan.

During the meeting, these responses were shared:

What organizations does Pendleton County already offer?

-4-H, Tourism Council, FFA, PCPL, Sprouts Club, Boy/Girl Scouts, KRT, activities at Kincaid, Camp Northward, recreational sports, playgrounds, veterans park, Wool Fest stands, Youth Groups

How do youth utilize these opportunities?

-Active: 4-H and Cloverbuds, Kincaid Park, Sprouts Club with FFA, NJROTC with community service, high school clubs

What do the youth need?

-More advertisement, frequency of events, include community events (not solely school related), community calendar, more “personal” talks between organizations, incentives

What do organizations need from youth?

-Attendance from youth, youth input (needs assessment), higher respect from students towards events, bridge between organizations, and students (better communication)

What can we do to start making change?

-More visible advertisements (multiple platforms), a presence in the schools, more transparency between organizations and youth, advertise volunteer hours and job opportunities, centralize youth and organizations (using our community centers)

Action Plan:

Promote our community calendar (

Visit organizations

Implement fundraising

Create a Community Outreach Committee including students as well as organization leaders.

Butler Lions Club- Meetings June 14 and June 28, Butler Christian Church at noon; Here environmental community projects will be discussed with hopeful implementation in the fall with the aid of school-aged students, contact the Butler Lions Club if you will be attending.