Trash Talk


January 9, 2024

  • 1/9/24

Dear Pendleton Co. Residents:

On October 28, 2023 the youth group of Knoxville Baptist Church picked up trash along a five mile stretch of KY 491; and a five mile stretch along KY 467. During this cleanup we collected well over 20 large bags of garbage, as well as other big items. Although we are very thankful to Pendleton County‘s 109 Board for the opportunity to help Pendleton County stay clean, we ask the residents and visitors to please be respectful of our county and help us keep our roads litter free! 

Thank you Pendleton Co. 109 Board and Billy Steele for this opportunity. It gives us great joy in knowing that we are helping to serve our community while also raising money for our youth mission camps. 

We challenge the citizens of Pendleton Co. to please refrain from throwing garbage out of your vehicles. 

Knoxville Baptist Church Youth Group



Dear Editor:

As our Ladycat golf season ended this year, it was very bittersweet. We knew one of the last things we would do as a team this year would be our fall trash pick up. As we continued to add more tournaments to our seasons in the past few years, we knew raising money would be very important. As a team we are happy for the opportunity to clean our community. As well, we are so thankful that Rumpke and the 109 Board help support our team in return. As a Senior, I will miss the trash pickups, the laughs, and the friendships they brought closer. Thank you Rumpke and the Pendleton County Fiscal Court for being such a big aid in the success of our PCHS Ladycat Golf Team. Please don’t litter. 

Reese Barlow



To the Editor of the Falmouth Outlook, 

The New Life Wesleyan Church picked up trash on Hwy 330 from U.S. 27 to Godman Road. Cans, bottles, food containers, and other miscellaneous items littered the side of the road. A total of 22 bags were picked up along this five mile stretch. 

We appreciated the opportunity to do our part in keeping Pendleton County beautiful and ask that everyone keep our county clean by disposing of trash properly. 

Thank you, 

New Life Wesleyan Church



Dear Editor,

Littering is bad for the world and its ecosystem because littering is harmful to things like plants and wildlife. Littering can cause you to kill, poison, or destroy habitats of animals and plants. Littering can also hurt animals like turtles being wrapped in netting or straws or plastics getting stuck in them. Environmentally, it can poison the ecosystem, killing off lots of organisms. Don’t litter. 

Jonathan Frisch Jr.

Pendleton County Boys Soccer



Dear Mr. Steele

We did the Charles H Lee SCV Camp #2305 wish to send our thanks for allowing us to participate in the roadside cleanup. 

We as an organization appreciate and welcome the opportunity to serve OUR community. By cleaning up our roads, it instills not only a sense of pride in those of us cleaning the roadways, but the community at large. I have seen many posts on Facebook extolling the virtues of how this makes OUR county look. Hopefully, this will translate into fewer people throwing trash out of their vehicles. Which in turn will lead to cleaner and more inviting roadways. Which will in turn lead to more pleasant drives and a better representation of OUR county.

Thank you. 

Jeffrey T Fugate