
August 29, 2023

  • CHURCH NEWS 8/29/23
    CHURCH NEWS 8/29/23

Butler Christ


Greetings friends, may you be blessed this week.

In our bulletin this week an inspiration was given: develop the daily habit of praying over your to-do list, always asking Jesus to reveal what He wants you to accomplish. I like that idea and am going to try it!

On September 9, we are planning a trip to the Gateway Museum in Maysville.

September 10 will be our next potluck and board meeting.

September 15 will be our next ladies meeting.

October 1 is our board meeting and potluck.

October 13 we have an  adult game night.

Starting soon, our Wednesday night bible study will return; we will be studying Daniel.

Please pray for all those on our prayer list, you may not know them but God does.

We rejoice with those who had good news this week. Have a blessed week!

Mt. Gilead

Services are held on the third Sunday of the month. The next service will be on September 17th at 2 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to the little church on the hill.

New Life Wesleyan

God bless all of you. Heat and humidity-- it is not good. I hope everyone is staying hydrated and safe. You're always invited to join us at New Life Wesleyan Church, anytime.

Pastor and his family are back from vacation in Florida with his parents. They are rested and blessed.

September is rolling in and soon fall will be upon us.

Be blessed and take time to be a blessing. Many are hurting and in need of your kindness today. God is good all the time. Have a wonderful day and week!


"Fighting Through Temptation" was the theme of the message today. Remember, even Satan tried to tempt Jesus (Luke 4).

It was good to have Bobby Johnson back in our service after his medical issues.

It was especially wonderful to see Jesse Browning baptized into God's family.  We pray God is foremost in his life.

"Paddling for the Pink" Festival at A. J. Jolly Park is September 9. We need paddlers!

Ladies Retreat Gathering is September 10 at Camp Northward. Cost early by September 8 is $25. Plan to attend, Ladies.

Prayer concerns include Melva Moore, Larry Wright, Lisa Blevins, Greg Ramsey, Joyce Mains, Jeanine Cox, Tirah Clemons, Sharon McClanahan, Loretta Cordray, Estelle Martin, Connie Hannah, Patty Thomas, Joyce Bishop, Pam Cummins, Patty Flynn, Kenni King, Gaye House Adams, Diane Moorhead, Ricky Gillespie, Tony Wright, Covid and cancer issues, our shut-ins, and our military.

Our sympathy to loved ones of Jerry Wright.

Pleasant Ridge

Bro. Mark’s message was from Luke 6:6-11, 13:10-17.

Jesus healed two individuals on the Sabbath day.  Have you ever done anything right but someone else found wrong with it?  As Jesus entered into the synagogue there was a man whose right hand was withered. I ask you is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil? The man stretched forth his hand and it was restored whole as the other. Again teaching in the synagogue on a Sabbath day a woman was there who was handicapped from being bent over for 18 years. Jesus called to her, laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight.

What kind of witness are we? Do we only think Jesus moves on Sunday morning? Do you think demons are in church services? To distract us and take our mind off of what is going on. Are we happy when someone else receives a miracle? There is no limit of miracles God will do in your life. When God is knocking on your heart don’t ignore that.

Turner Ridge

Sunday we were blessed to witness the baptism of Steven Askin, pray for him as he begins his walk with Christ.

Jesus Loves Us All from John 3:31-35 was the children’s message. Bro. Dale explained to the kids whether they do all the right things in school or those that aren’t, Jesus loves us all!

Callie Seedle read Hebrews 12:1-2 followed by the Praise team singing This Is Our God; then Bro. Dale’s message Jesus Is Lord, from Philippians 2:10-11 taught us Jesus is Lord in Heaven, Jesus is Lord on Earth and Jesus is Lord for Salvation. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9.

As Christians we know when we die, we will be in heaven with our Lord, but we also know that when a loved one dies, we mourn, please remember those that have lost loved ones.