
August 22, 2023

  • CHURCH NEWS 8/22/23
    CHURCH NEWS 8/22/23

Blanket Creek

August 27th will mark 176 years for Blanket Creek. We will be celebrating this milestone on Sunday, August 27th. Bro. Craig Tackett will be bringing the message that day. He was here several years ago when he was first starting out for a week long revival and lock in with the youth group. We hope old,  new, and current members will come out and join us. There will also be special music and a pot luck dinner following the services.

Butler Christ


Greetings friends, may the Good Lord bless you as you read.

Pastor Ron relayed to us an important truth from the Bible “Don’t take your eyes off Jesus.” Face those giants with power from Jesus.

Pastor Ron also read to the membership a letter he received in response to the recent article in the Outlook. This person was happy with our decision and gave us a donation. PTL!

Bible study will be starting up once again. We will be studying the book of Daniel .

Please join us in prayer for Patty Thomas, Patti Jenkins, Pete Fullwood, Cal Adams,Kelsey, the Perry family, Mr. McClain, Anna, Stephanie’s son born with only one kidney, Laura, Clyde, those suffering from the fires in Hawaii, Ruth, and our church.

We have lots of praises to be thankful for as well!

Join us for service here next Sunday at 11 a.m. There is children’s time during the message. All are welcome!

Mt. Gilead

Services are held on the third Sunday of the month. The next service will be on September 17th at 2 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to the little church on the hill.


Several of our folk are involved with doing the "Daniel Fast". Bro. Kevin's message of the hour reminded us that God's plan is recorded for a reason. God knows what we choose to do.

The Ladies Bible Study at church is August 23 at 6:30 p.m. Ladies are always invited.

This writer hopes you found the time to go see KRT's production of "Finding Nemo, Jr".  This Kidz play was awesome!

Prayer concerns include Larry Wright, Melva Moore, Lisa Blevins, Greg Ramsey, Jeanine Cox, Tirah Clemons, Estelle Martin, Connie Hannah, Loretta Cordray, Ricky Gillespie, Tony Wright, Gerald Barlow, Jerry Wright, Gaye House Adams, Diane Moorhead, Cecil Jones, Lily McCann, Geneva Morris, our schools and their staff, the bus drivers, students, shut-ins, cancer issues, and our nation.

Our sympathy to loved ones of Phyllis Jones, Billy Wilson, and Nellie Moore.

Turner Ridge

Sunday school is always a time of learning more about the verses in the bible. The more we learn (all ages) the closer we get to know the word of God. In our class, we discussed the problems of false teachings going on even in Jesus’ time. That’s why we put so much emphasis on going to church and especially bringing your kids to church, we are still dealing with those false teachings and the only way to know the difference is to know God.

The children’s message “Measuring God’s Love” was from John 3:14-21, Bro. Dale talked of the many ways we measure – a timer, a measuring cup, a tape measure; but Christ’s love exceeds all capable means of measuring, His love is perfect.

Brystal Smith-Beighle read scripture Ephesians 4:1-6 and the Praise team had special music, followed by Bro. Dale’s message, Relationships from Colossians 3:12-17. The time you spend building a relationship with God allows you to learn to love one another and to forgive one another. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14.