
July 18, 2023

  • CHURCH NEWS 7/18/23
    CHURCH NEWS 7/18/23

Blanket Creek

This morning’s scripture was Matthew 7:13-14 and 24-27. “The Narrow Way”. Are you aware that there are two gates you can choose to enter? The narrow gates is hard to enter and can only be through the Grace of God. The wide gate is the gate most of the world, even those who have been brought up in church, sometimes choose to enter. The narrow gate leads to Heaven and the wide gate leads to hell. Which gate will you choose?

Please remember the sick, lost, and the families of lost loved ones. Patricia Gilbert, Jim Haley, and Eva Manley.

Have a blessed week.

Butler Christ


Greetings friends,praying that you are well with the Lord.

Pastor Ron challenged us on Sunday to follow in Christ’s footsteps, not the world’s footsteps. Sometimes this is really a hard challenge.

VBS is quickly approaching; it will be July 31 to August 3 from 6:30 -8:30 p.m. We will be hosting each night. On the final night, we will have a guest singer. Butler Christian and Butler Baptist Churches will be joining us.

We are looking forward to having Ron Redden joining us for worship on July 23 while Pastor Ron and Debbie are out of town.

Reminder ladies- we will not be meeting this month.

Our prayer concerns this week include, Shelia’s dad, Mike Eckerle, Ron Hitch, Barry, Peyton, Carolyn, Carol, Dustin, Louis, DD, our church, and our world. We had several praises to brighten our service as well.

God Bless you all 'til we meet again!

Mt. Gilead

Services are held on the third Sunday of the month. The next service will be held on August 20th at 2 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to the little church on the hill.

New Life Wesleyan

New Life Wesleyan Church celebrated our 10 year anniversary today, July 9th, for Bro Nick and Rachel being our pastors. We had cake and fellowship together after our morning worship. Everyone loves our pastors.

Have a wonderful week. Get in church and serve God!


The mission of the church is to make disciples, glorify Christ, and build up the "saints".  Also, our life should reflect God's character.  Do others see Jesus in you?

Looking ahead to our worship service at Camp Northward on July 30 at 10:30 a.m., we'll have a pot-luck noon meal following.  That afternoon we'll have fun and fellowship, and maybe get a tour of the camp grounds as many changes have occurred there.

Prayer concerns include Bobby Johnson, Pam Bruin (knee surgery 17th), Jeanine Cox, Randy Bishop, Darrell Harris, Pat Colvin, Genevieve Ammerman, Sarah Gates, Steve Jenkins, Diane Moorhead, Charley and Dorothy Herron, Kenni King, Norma Wilson, Troy Green, Beth Bruin, Bill Ruf, shut-ins, cancer/Covid issues, and our nation.

Our sympathy to loved ones of Pam Daugherty Hopkins, Wilma Harris, and Joy Juvinall.

Pleasant Ridge

Bro. Mark’s message was from John 16:33.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Do you ever want a word from God? To explain why?  Things we go through here on earth make us wonder why. But remember, God will never leave or forsake us. If we have peace with God, what can we be afraid of? We have peace in our life with God in it.

Be an “overcomer”, stay for the fight to the final round.

Turner Ridge

In Remembrance of Me was both the children’s message and the adult message Sunday morning as we observed the Lord’s Supper. 1 Corinthians 11:24 says, “And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.”

Jesus gave it all, he walked on this earth, sinless, and gave it all for our sins to be paid. He died the worst death known to man, and he knew that was ahead of him, but he still came, taught, and remained sinless to be obedient to his father.

We need to strive to be better Christians and a better witness to others, so that they can see Jesus in us. The Youth that attended Crossings camp the week before gave an update on their time at camp. And we give thanks for Tammy and Jeff that chaperoned.

We ask that you join us in praying for the sick, even if we don’t know the need, remember those that have lost loved ones, and plan to worship in church this Sunday, if not with us, find a church.