
September 12, 2023


Blanket Creek

This week the pastor told us a true story that he witnessed with his own eyes. While attending another church (which is so large it has four services) to see his grandson be baptized, he noticed a large crowd gathered around a truck. Wanting to see what the crowd was all about he checked it out and found it was a Kona truck offering free Kona Ices. He said the message was wonderful and during the invitation he expected several to go up and accept Christ as their Savior. No one did. They lined up for a free Kona, but not one accepted the free gift of Salvation.

Please remember the families who have recently lost loved ones. God Bless

Butler Christ


Greetings friends: All are welcome at this place . Worship begins every Sunday morning at 11. Children have Sunday school during the message period. Join us if you like to hear what the Bible says.

May The Good Lord bless you all!

Mt. Gilead

Services are held on the third Sunday of the month. The next service will be on September 17th at 2 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to the little church on the hill.

New Life Wesleyan

God bless you and keep you in His hands this week. Our church is open and we love the Lord. Come see us one day and meet our pastor and family. We have much to offer, and we love Jesus here.

Have a wonderful September.


What is worship? Focus on God with our deepest affection and highest praise. Worship God by holy living, songs and music, and prayer.

Remember the Women's Gathering, September 15, at Camp Northward.

Youth Fishing Tourney is coming September 16.

Men's Gathering at Camp Northward is September 29.

Congrats to Jordan Herron and Renee Stegman upon their recent marriage.

Prayer concerns include Melva Moore, Bobby Johnson, Danny Flynn (knee), Bev Bass (eye), Dorothy Herron, Lisa Blevins, Jeanine Cox, Janice Wolfe, Tirah Clemons, Larry "Enos" Winkle, Jane Bentle, Ernie and Joyce Bishop, Patty Flynn, Troy Greene, Sharon McClanahan, Steve Houchen, Ricky Gillespie, Chloe Tucker, Pam Cummins, Geneva Morris, Tony Wright, Kenni King, Diane Moorhead, shut-ins, cancer/Covid issues, and our nation.

Our sympathy to loved ones of Ruth Stamper Roseberry.

Turner Ridge

Our Sunday school lesson was from Daniel, it helped us to realize how we can stand up for our beliefs in a manner that doesn’t cause conflict and still honor God.

The children’s message, A Word to the Wise from Ephesians, was a message on how to be careful, be wise, and to make the most of every opportunity. Luke Gregg read scripture Acts 11:25-26 followed by special music. Bro. Dale’s message from 2 Peter 3:3-9, the scripture told of how the people thought Jesus would return any day. They got frustrated, just like we do today, but are you ready for His return?

We are all loved by Jesus, but we must confess our sins and make a public profession of faith and follow through in baptism to be assured of eternal life with Jesus.

Sunday evening after Discipleship Training and Worship we all enjoyed homemade ice cream and desserts in the fellowship hall.