Young wildlife photographer

  • Owl photo taken by Navalie Eshman, 6, of Pendleton County
    Owl photo taken by Navalie Eshman, 6, of Pendleton County
  • Navalie Eshman, 6, of Pendleton County
    Navalie Eshman, 6, of Pendleton County

Navalie Eshman, 6, of Pendleton County, shot photo of an owl at sunrise near her great-grandmother's house in Alexandria. "She took the picture on my iPhone in portrait mode," her mother said. "She was about 10 feet away from the owl and it just watched us for a minute then flew into a nearby tree with his meal. She said the owl was magical." Navalie is the daughter of Grant and Jasmine Eshman, who live in the Foster area in northeast Pendleton County.